Good morning boys and girls!!!
As always, let me remember my personal email: bsanchezd@educantabria.es. Whenever you need it, you can write an email and I will answer you as soon as possible!!!
How was your week?? I hope you have fun now that we are allowed to go to the beach!!!!
First of all, I will present you PIXTON, an internet web page to create your own comics. Click on the picture to go to the page.
The only thing you need is an email address. Click on PARA EL ALUMNADO and create your own comics. It is super easy!! Feel free to create an English comic and send it to my email!!!! It is not compulsory.
This week we are going to remember the verb TO BE in PAST. The past tense of To Be in English has two forms: WAS and WERE. Here you have a simple explanation:
Here you have a video to know how to use the verb:
Here you have the three exercises for this week.
*Los dos primeros ejercicios son para que tú compruebes lo que sabes. Una vez que los termines dale al botón de TERMINADO y verás tus aciertos y errores, al igual que la nota. El tercer ejercicio es el único que al dar a TERMINADO se me reenvía a mi y, por lo tanto es el único que tendré en cuenta para la evaluación. El martes que viene os reenviaré por un correo con un documento adjunto por Yedra todas las fichas que haya recibido, para que dispongáis de ellas.
See you next week!!!
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